Top 10 Commercial Plumbing Problems and Solutions

In the day-to-day operation of commercial and industrial buildings, plumbing issues can arise unexpectedly. This causes disruptions in daily operations and potentially leads to significant financial losses.

Stone Arch Building Maintenance understands the importance of maintaining a smooth plumbing system within your commercial or industrial properties. In this blog, we will delve into the top 10 commercial and industrial plumbing problems that property managers most often encounter. We’ll talk about how to avoid them and what to do if one of these top 10 offenders happens in your building.

Clogged Drains and Sewer Lines

One of the most common plumbing problems in commercial and industrial settings is the occurrence of clogged drains and sewer lines. This can lead to water backup, foul odors, and potential health hazards for occupants. Stone Arch Building Maintenance recommends regular preventive maintenance, including scheduled drain cleaning, to avoid these issues. Additionally, calling Stone Arch Building Maintenance to install drain screens and educate your workers on proper disposal practices can contribute to a healthier plumbing system.

Remember, if sewage begins to back up into your building, the best way to stop the inflow is to open the sewer pipe cap outside your facility. One of the most common problems our plumbing experts find in this emergency situation is the location of that cap is unknown to those on duty. Raw sewage is freely flowing into the building while crews are looking for the cap.

The Stone Arch Building Maintenance plumbing team highly suggests finding it, marking it, and putting up signage inside and outside your building so it can be located and dealt with quickly. Once the cap is removed, the sewage will flow through the open pipe into the outdoors. This will alleviate cleanup, health hazards, and losses within your facility.

Leaking Pipes

Pipe leaks can lead to water damage, mold growth, staff illness, and increased utility bills. Identifying and repairing leaks promptly is crucial. Stone Arch Building Maintenance suggests implementing a routine inspection schedule to identify leaks early. Utilizing advanced leak detection technology, like the equipment Stone Arch Building Maintenance deploys, can be instrumental in pinpointing hidden leaks within the infrastructure.

Remember, that leak will become a flood if not caught early. Avert the catastrophe of replacing walls, flooring, furniture, and more with a routine testing and maintenance schedule by Stone Arch Building Maintenance.

Low Water Pressure

Insufficient water pressure can hinder daily operations, affecting productivity in industrial buildings and customer satisfaction in commercial spaces. Stone Arch Building Maintenance advises checking for sediment buildup in pipes. We will also inspect pressure regulators and ensure adequate pipe sizing to maintain optimal water pressure.

Faulty Water Heaters

Commercial and industrial sites heavily rely on water heaters for various purposes. Malfunctioning water heaters can disrupt operations and impact employee comfort and wellbeing in extreme temperatures. Stone Arch Building Maintenance recommends regular maintenance, flushing sediment from tanks, and addressing thermostat issues to keep water heaters in optimal condition. Call us. We’ll handle it for you.

Backflow Issues

The unwanted reversal of water flow, or backflow, can lead to contamination of the potable water supply. Calling a professional to implement backflow prevention devices and adhere to local regulations is essential. Stone Arch Building Maintenance emphasizes the importance of regular testing and certification of these devices to ensure their effectiveness. We can install and inspect these systems, so call us for a free estimate on services.

Corrosion in Pipes

Over time, pipes in commercial and industrial settings can succumb to corrosion. This leads to leaks and reduces water quality. Stone Arch Building Maintenance advocates for using corrosion-resistant materials, implementing routine inspections, and employing water treatment solutions to mitigate the impact of corrosion. If your site needs a pipe upgrade, call Stone Arch Building Maintenance for a complete project estimate at no charge.

Frozen Pipes

In colder climates, frozen pipes pose a significant risk. However, those in southern climates who may not be prepared for the unseasonal freeze are most at risk of freezing pipes. Because pipes are often exposed and building crews can be uniformed of how to prepare, the biggest industrial losses from burst pipes during freezes are in these areas.

Stone Arch Building Maintenance recommends proper insulation, sealing gaps and cracks in building structures, and implementing heating solutions in vulnerable areas to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting. We also recommend calling our professional plumbers to help you prepare for and deal with frozen pipes. Correct thawing methods can prevent a catastrophic burst pipe and save significant time and money.

Sump Pump Failures

Buildings with basements or below-grade spaces rely on sump pumps to prevent flooding. Regular maintenance, including testing the pump, checking float switches, and ensuring proper discharge, is crucial. Stone Arch Building Maintenance suggests installing backup systems to address potential pump failures during critical moments. Call us. We can ensure the work is done properly.

Grease Trap Issues

Commercial kitchens often face challenges with grease buildup in traps. Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to prevent clogs and maintain drainage. Stone Arch Building Maintenance recommends educating kitchen staff on proper grease disposal practices and implementing grease removal systems. We can set up a grease trap cleaning schedule to professionally remove grease and debris on a regular basis. It is affordable and ensures your restaurant remains open and clean for health inspections.

Inadequate Ventilation

Poor ventilation can lead to unpleasant odors, mold growth, and health concerns. Stone Arch Building Maintenance encourages thorough ventilation system inspections, cleaning air ducts, and ensuring proper airflow to maintain a healthy indoor environment. Stone Arch Building Maintenance plumbing and HVAC professionals can remedy your commercial and industrial ventilation problems, so call us.

Effective plumbing maintenance in commercial and industrial buildings is crucial for smooth operations. By addressing and proactively managing these top 10 plumbing issues, Stone Arch Building Maintenance ensures a robust and reliable plumbing infrastructure that contributes to the overall success of the facility. Regular inspections, preventive maintenance, and a commitment to best practices will help mitigate potential problems and ensure the longevity of the plumbing system in your commercial or industrial facility.

Contact Stone Arch Building Maintenance for a free walk-through and estimate. Your vision is our mission. We promise to truly listen to your needs and consider your budget and market trajectory in all we do.